should I
adopted an abused pet?
A rescued furry friend will always show you their appreciation and give you unconditional love.
The Rescued Information
Pet adoption puts love back in the community.
Rescuing and rehabilitating small animals in need is just part of what we do.
When we go out on calls, we never know what kind of situation we will find. We found a dog abandoned and tied to a mailbox; a dog who was so hungry and starving he tried to eat a porcupine. The vet spent hours picking out quills.
Pet Sponsors play a critical role at BMHS. Several of the animals have special needs that require extensive care and rehabilitation
The Sponsorship Program allows supporters to contribute to the cost of food, shelter, and veterinary care for rescued pets from situations of abuse, neglect, and abandonment on a one-time or ongoing monthly basis.
These contributions directly support our mission, and we could not continue this vital work without you!
Pet adoption puts love back in the community. Our rescued pets are vibrantly thriving after treatment and re-homing. For me, pets are love. We focus on assisting people connect with the dogs and cats who reside with us at BMHS.
When we bring our adoptable animals to Rapid City, both children and adults start smiling and enjoying holding, touching or just being around them.
Our job is to give treatment, hope and kindness to the injured animals and inspire people to connect with the dogs and cats who reside with us at BMHS.
This is our way of giving back to the community.

This is Cheyenne. She was attacked by another dog. Both fought over the only food they could find because they were starving.
The faces of the abused
Sadly, this is what abandoned, homeless, and abused looks like. This is why we need your support.
A piece from Billy Graham’s website: Answers from Billy Graham
Q: My pets mean a lot to me, and I hate to see people neglect animals or treat them cruelly. Does the Bible say anything about how we should treat animals? God made them also, didn’t He?
A: Yes, God made everything that lives on the earth — including the animals. In the beginning, the Bible says, “God said, ‘Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals….’ And it was so” (Genesis 1:24).
And yes, the Bible commands us to take care of the animals under our care. One of the signs of a righteous man, the Bible says, is that he takes care of his animals (see Proverbs 12:10). Even the animal of an enemy was to be treated kindly: “If you come across your enemy’s ox or donkey wandering off, be sure to take it back to him” (Exodus 23:4). One reason God commanded His people to rest one day out of seven was so their animals would be refreshed (see Exodus 23:12).
In fact, the Bible says we must never treat any part of God’s creation with contempt. When we do, we are indirectly treating our Creator with contempt. Instead, God calls us to be stewards or trustees of His creation, and the Bible reminds us that we are responsible to Him for the way we treat it. We’ve often forgotten this — but it’s still true, and when we ignore it we not only hurt God’s creation but we also hurt ourselves.
Most of all, however, God calls us to put Him first in our lives. He loves us, and our greatest calling is to respond to His love by opening our hearts and lives to His Son, Jesus Christ.